AMERICA PAMPA AGROINDUSTRIAL S.A. con domicilio en la localidad de América, Pcia de Bs As quiere ALERTAR al público en general, sobre la circulación fraudulenta de cheques provenientes de CHEQUERAS FALSAS con el nombre y CUIT de AMERICA PAMPA AGROINDUSTRIAL S.A., impresos en chequeras que IMITAN las expedidas por EL BANCO DE LA PROVINCIA DE BUENOS AIRES.
Ya se ha efectuado la DENUNCIA PENAL correspondiente. Para evitar que esta estafa genere mayores daños, les rogamos consulten a la entidad bancaria y/o a la empresa, previo a recibir un cheque con nuestro nombre.
CUIT 30-71030179-0

Food ingredients
We transform vegetable protein into a food ingredient
The mission of América Pampa Agroindustrial is, through its products, to bring this nutrient to all consumers in the world.​
We offer solvent-free products, ensuring quality from its cultivation, accompanying our customers with technical support and continuity of supply.
Products and services

Textured Soy Protein
It is a product that when hydrated acquires an elastic structure similar to meat. The product has two presentations available: Flake or Flake and Granular or Chopped. Soy texturing is used in the production of meat products; emulsions, hamburgers, sausages and other derivatives
Micronized soy flour
It is a powder product with high protein dispersibility.
It is used as a replacement and/or extender for dairy derivatives, in the preparation of various products combined with flour from other cereals. It is used as a replacement and/or extender for soy isolate and concentrate.

degummed soybean oil
It consists of the separation of various water-soluble compounds present in crude soybean oil.
Degummed soybean oil is not only used for refining for direct consumption, but also for the production of other mass consumption products, such as margarines and vegetable fats.
Soybean pellets
It is a product obtained through a soy protein pelleting process, using Textured Soy Protein and Micronized Soy Flour as ingredients. It is used in animal feed applications for dry mixes.